Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Tyler Manifesto

May 15, 2008
2:30 a.m.

Once more, I have found myself in a sanitarium a rather old-fashioned term for a contemporary malady. (melody?)
…sad songs they say so much….! Ha ha

I am weary beyond any part of reason, yet sleep eludes me. My mind is racing with thoughts, plans, worries, reflections, and dreams (!?!?!) for my future.

Whither goest I? Hither and yon (yawn) choosing the road less traveled, and I have miles to go before I sleep.

Some of the resolutions, which occur to me, are as follows:

1.) To finally eliminate my database of email contacts and phone numbers; to start over from scratch as it were, as I have come to realize now (as in past crises) I have NO friends. No relations. (Except for Tucson) and furthermore, I informed them I was leaving this world→ their world, for greener pastures.

Quite the drama queen, I know, but could I be anyone else and remain True to mine Self?

For I am THE Dan Tyler; not Don, nor David; not Taylor! Or anybody’s “daddy.”

I shall invite my friends to call me Dan or Danny, whereas I shall sign my checks Daniel and reserve that moniker for all formalities.

2.) As such, I cannot—will not, shall not, and must not continue to prop up those relationships in which only I am interested in maintaining.

So, who is this person, whose sole remaining possession is his Name?

1.) I am (in no particular order or emphasis):

2.) I am beautiful, yet my inner beauty exceeds my outer shell a thousand fold.

3.) I will not be Objectified, Stereotyped, Disrespected, Abused, Ignored, Neglected, or Mistreated.

Likewise, I will defend the rights of others from same, and I will no longer feel compelled to Forgive those who mistreat me or feel Guilty or Ashamed, because those malignant acts that have been performed upon me were Undeserved and Not My Fault.

4.) I am not a Burden or Inconvenience or Drain or Tax, and I will not treat others as such.

5.) I deserve Credit, Recognition, and Honor when it is due, just as I will accept Responsibility and Consequence for my misdeeds.

6.) I am no longer a Child. I am an Adult, who is Highly Educated, Attractive, Talented, and Desirable as a Friend, a Lover, an Employee, a Student, and as a Mentor.

7.) As of today, right now, I choose to Be Healthy and will maintain a healthy Lifestyle, which includes healthy Eating and Drinking habits, regular Exercise, and developing and maintaining healthy Relationships.

8.) I also choose to be Happy (no matter what) and I choose to be the Friend I want to Befriend and to be a Role Model in my Community.

9.) I will treat others as I wish to be treated. Moreover, I will not treat others as I would not wish to be treated.

10.) I hereby resign my role of “Fixer” but will aid those who come to me seeking help voluntarily to the best of my abilities.
However, I will no longer be Used or tread upon, and I will be Aware of Users and Abusers.
Therefore, I will not be Taken for Granted, Cheated, Deceived, or Stolen from.

11.) I will not work in jobs that make me feel bad about myself.

12.) I will pursue a career in the Arts and seek to further my Formal Education.

13.) I will not Starve, but Flourish.
I will become the Person I want to Be.
I will achieve these goals by adhering to this Manifesto.
I will not give up again or anymore, because I did not suffer so much Pain, Anguish, and Loss, and I did not work so hard to attain an Education and Perspective to Quit now.

14.) I am Human and Humane, and I will get Sick and Hurt at various times in the future, but I will not be Ashamed of my Illness or feel guilty for expressing my Pain, and I will not Be Afraid to ask for Help.

15.) My Blindness, Deafness, and Stutter have bequeathed me with Compassion towards others, which I deem Sacred Behavior.

16.) Lastly, I will live in the Present, which is a Gift, and release my hostility towards my Past, and furthermore, I choose not to Worry about the Future because
E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y I will have exactly what I need, which is All for the Best.

My Name is Dan Tyler and this is my Manifesto.

4:10 a.m.
Thursday May 15, 2008

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