Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Improved Vocabulary

a priori: based on deductive theory, rather than empirical fact. (Potentially fallacious)
acumen: horse smarts
ameliorate: to make something bad, better
anomie: the lack of normal ethical or social standards within a group or an individual.
aplomb: self-confidence. (literally) perpendicularity.
apocryphal: doubtful, dubious although often thought of as true. Also refers to the Apocrypha—hidden, possibly untrue books of the Bible.
apotheosis: the zenith or climax of a career.
atavistic: fear or revulsion of old or ancient things because they are old.
auto-da-fé: the burning of a heretic by the Spanish Inquisition. Metaphor for same.
AWOL: acronym-> “absent without official leave.”
catamite: a kept boy, sexually involved with an adult male.
calypso: from the Greek ‘she who conceals’, a trans-sexual.
cavil: to make petty or unnecessary objections.
cipher: a secret code. Also a person of no importance with no will of their own.
copasetic: in excellent order; groovy.
demesne: land attached to a manor house.
deus ex machina: saved by the hand of God.
ecclesiastical: refering to the Christian Church.
egregious: shocking (-ly bad or good, depending on context)
élan: strong, cleverly played
ecumenical: having to do with the Church
elucidate: to explain or clarify.
et al.: “and others”. Abbreviation referring to academic books and articles with more than one author.
et cetera: Etc. Abbreviation meaning “and so on” or “among others”
ex ante: based on forecasts rather than actual results.
ex post: based on actual results than forecasts.
erudite: wise.
habeus corpus: a writ requiring a person who is arrested to be brought before a court of law. (An American Civil Right—4th Amendment)
hagiographic: idealized biography; adulterous slander; biography of a saint.
hegemony: dominance by one social group over another.
heterogeneity: diverse.
heuristic: learning by themselves.
hermeneutics: system of interpretation, particularly of Biblical texts or philosophy.
hors de combat: injured or otherwise out of commission.
irredentist: person advocating a return to them of territory, which they always had before some conflict.
ingénue: an innocent, naïve young lady.
inter alia: among other things.
jeremiad: long complaint or lament.
kabbalah: Jewish mysticism, sorcery.
lacunae: unfilled gaps.
malarkey: meaningless talk, nonsense, “bullshit.”
mea culpa: acknowledgement of fault. i.e. ‘my bad.’
monopsony: situation where there is only one buyer; antonym vs. monopoly.
morphic resonance: a genetic theory that explains a global jump in evolution or technology; a zeitgeist.
nihilism: extremely skeptical philosophy rejecting all religions & morals as useless in a meaningless world.
non sequitur: a conclusion which does not logically follow a previous statement. Meaningless term which can not be defined, because by definition, it cannot be defined.
palliative: a pain-killer without treating the underlying cause.
panacea: remedy for all situations.
parvenu: upstart, new money
pederast: an adult male who engages in a sexual relationship with a boy.
peripatetic: constantly pacing or flitting about.
plebiscite: a direct vote by all members of an electorate, such as a referendum or recall.
plenary: where all members are present vs. quorum = minimum.
pontificate: preachy
shibboleth: Hebrew term describing customs or beliefs distinguishing a particular caste or clan (although, as such, they are often held as outdated and archaic.)
seriatim: taking one subject after another in order, point by point.
sine qua non: an essential condition.
siras: life stories
syncopated: displacing strong beats with weak, and vice versa.
tabula rasa: a clean slate or open mind.
tautology: saying the same thing twice, couched in different styles.
triptych: a 3 paneled mantle piece or carving.
umbrage: annoying or offensive.
venal: corrupt, prone to bribery
vis-à-vis: in relation to.

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